female nudes, 1999
Released: 1999
Format: Hardback
Trim Size: 339 mm x 298 mm
Page Count: 110 pp
ISBN: 978-1-9033994-3-9

Female Nudes is a unique collaboration between Rankin and the women who agreed to be photographed naked for this project. This publication is a series of images where each individual provided Rankin with a creative brief on how they wanted to be photographically seen. Providing a intimate and close partnership throughout each photo, this publication intersperses real people with well-known faces across fashion spreads and the music world. This book shows that women know exactly who they are and how they want to be seen.
“Rankin's portraits have an intimate quality, as though the subject is alone, looking into a mirror, revealing his innermost thoughts.” - Melenie Rickey 1999